Promotion,Transfer and posting of JS and HC LCO/2261/2023-E2 dtd 27.09.2023
Transfer and posting of JS LCO/3656/2023-E2 dtd 11.08.2023
Promotion and Transfer of Senior Superintendent LCO/3287/2023- E1dtd 10.08.2023
Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendent LCO/3287/2023-E1dtd 18.08.2023
Promotion and Transfer LCO/2261/2023 E2 dtd 02.06.2023
Promotion and Transfer LCO-3656/2022/E2 dtd 29.11.2022
Promotion and Transfer  LCO-10327/2021/E2 dtd  25.04.2022

Promotion and Posting as HC

LCO-10327/2021/E2 dtd  22.01.2022

Promotion,Transfer and Posting of HC and JS
LCO-10327/2021-E(2) DTD 10.01.2022

Ratio Promotion of JS

E(2)15868/2014 dtd 18.08.2021

Promotion,Transfer and Posting of HC and JS

LCO-10327/2021/E2 dtd  09.08.2021

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of labour Committee Secretary

LCC/10123/2021-E(1) DTD 12.07.2021


Promotion,Transfer and Posting of HC and JS

LCO-10327/2021-E(2) DTD 12.07.2021

Promotion,Transfer and Posting of HC and JS

E(2)5175/2018 dtd 10.06.2021

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of HC

E(2)5175/2018 dtd 27.05.2021

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of JS

E(2)5175/2018 dtd 25.05.2021

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of SS

LCO/10123/2021-E(1)-2 dtd:14.05.2021

Transfer and Posting of SS

LCO/10123/2021-E(1)-1 dtd:14.05.2021

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of JS

E(2)5175/2018 dtd:18.02.2021

Transfer and Posting of SS

E(1)1767/2021 did 17.02.2021

Ratio Promotion and Postings of JS

E(2)15868/2014 dtd 30-01-2021

Promotion, Transfer and Postings of JS &HC

E(2)5175/2018  dtd:22-12-2020

Promotion, Transfer and Postings of JS &HC

E(2)5175/2018  dtd:21-11-19

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of SS

E(1)6987/2019  dtd 21-11-2019

Transfer and Posting of JS

E(2)5175/2018  dtd:12-07-19

Promotion, Transfer and Postings of JS &HC

E(2)5175/2018  dtd:12-07-19

Promotion, Transfer and Posting of SS

E(1)6987/2019  dtd 10-07-2019

Transfer and Posting of HC

E(2)5175/2018  dtd:15-10-18

Promotion, Transfer and Postings of JS

E(2)5175/2018  dtd: 3-5-18

Promotion, Transfer and Postings of JS&HC

E(2)1212/2018  dtd: 2-2-18